VISAT Tool Bars

VISAT Tool Bars

All tool bars are, like the tool windows, draggable and dockable. If they are not docked you can close them to get more free work space. To reactive a closed tool bar you can go the "Tool Bars" entry in the "View" menu and enable the tool bar.

VISAT commands are grouped in multiple tool bars by their purpose. Each tool bar is listed below and its commands are described briefly.

Jump to tool bar:

Standard Tool Bar   New Open Save Edit Preferences Edit Properties


The new-command allows you to create a new product. The command is enabled only if you have already opened or imported a product from which the new product can derive it's geo-coding information. The primary use of this command is to create a spectral or spatial subset of another, open product.

  Open (Control-O)

Opens a product stored in BEAM-DIMAP format in VISAT.

  Save (Control S)

Saves the currently selected product in the BEAM-DIMAP format. If the product still does not have a file location, then you are asked to specify a storage location for the product. Note that save process can be a time consuming process for huge products.

  Preferences...   (Alt-P)

Opens VISAT's preferences dialog which lets your preferred VISAT options.

  Property Editor...   (Alt-P)

Opens VISAT's property editor which can be used to edit the properties of a product, a tie-point grid or a (virtual) band.

  The Module Manager

Opens the Module Manager for updating, installing and unstalling modules.

  The Help Tool

The help tool brings up this BEAM online help.

Layers Tool Bar   Show Geometry Overlay Show Graticule Overlay

   Show No-Data Overlay

Toggles the overlay of the No-Data Overlay over the band image view. See also No-Data Value. The No-Data overlay properties can be modified in the preferences dialog.

   Show Geometry Overlay

Toggles the overlay of a geometry container over a band's image view. See also Geometry Management. The geometry overlay properties can be modified in the preferences dialog.

   Show Graticule Overlay

Toggles the overlay of a graticule (geographic lat/lon grid) over the current image. The graticule overlay properties can be modified in the preferences dialog.

   Show Pins

Toggles whether or not to display the pins defined for the current product in the current image view.

   Show GCPs

Toggles whether or not to display the GCPs defined for the current product in the current image view.

Analysis Tool Bar   Open information dialog. Open statistics dialog. Open histogram dialog. Open scatterplot dialog.


Opens a dialog window that shows the properties of the selected band or tie-point grid and the current product.

   Geo-Coding Information...

Opens a dialog window that displays the geo-coding information for the product currently selected.


Opens a dialog window that displays statistical information for the selected band or tie-point grid.


Opens a dialog window that displays a configurable histogram for the selected band or tie-point grid.

   Scatter Plot...

Opens a dialog window that displays a configurable scatter plot for two selected bands or tie-point grids.

Views Tool Bar   PinManager GcpManager LayerManager ProductView WorldMap Spectrum Window Navigation Window Contrast/Palette Window Pixel Information Window

   Pin Manager

Opens or brings in front the pin manager window.

   GCP Manager

Opens or brings in front the GCP manager window.

   Mask Manager

Opens or brings in front the Mask Manager window.

   Layer Manager

Opens or brings in front the Layer Manager window.

   Product Browser

The product browser provides an overview over multiple open products within a tree view.

   World Map

Opens or brings in front the VISAT World Map to facilitate the location of satellite products on a virtual globe.


Opens or brings in front a tool-window which shows you the spectrum of the pixel where the mouse moves over.

   Navigation Window

Toggles the visibility of the Navigation Window.

   Colour Manipulation Window

Opens or brings in front the Colour Manipulation Window used to manipulate the colours of the currently selected image view.

   Pixel Information

The pixel info window displays information about geophysical values, interpolated tie-points and quality flags at the same time.

Tools Tool Bar   Selection Tool Range Finder Tool Zoom Tool Draw Line Draw Rectangle Draw Ellipse Draw Polyline Draw Polygon

   Selection Tool

This tool is enabled by default; you use it to point into the image and to move the panning or zoom windows.

   Range Finder Tool

The range finder tool lets you determine the distance between two points.

   Zoom Tool

Click to zoom into the image of an image view. Control-Click to zoom out. Note that this tool is independent from the zooming tools provided in the Navigation Window. Especially the Synchronisation of image views is not available here.

   Panner Tool

With this tool you are able to drag the viewable area of an image view around. The effect is similar to the feature available in the Navigation Window, where the highlighted area -which marks the currently displayed portion of the image- may be dragged around. The important difference is that the Synchronisation of image views is disabled for this tool.

   The Pin Tool

The pin tool is used to create a new pin and also to select an existing ones. See also Pin Management.

   The GCP Tool

The GCP tool is used to create a new GCPs and also to select an existing ones. See also GCP Management.

   Draw Line Tool

This tool draws a line that might be useful for profile plots. Click for the start point, drag to the end point and release the mouse button.

   Draw Rectangle Tool

Click for the start point, drag to the end point and release the mouse button.

   Draw Ellipse Tool

The handling is similar to the rectangle tool: click for the start, drag to the end point of the boundary rectangle and release the mouse button.

   Draw Polyline Tool

With this tool you are able to draw a polyline, i.e. consecutive lines, each starting at the end point of the previous line. Click for the start and for the end point, the end point will be the start point of the following line. Double-click to terminate the polyline.

   Draw Polygon Tool

The handling of the polygon tool is somewhat similar to the polyline tool; except that double-clicking will close the shape (a line from the end point of the last line will be drawn to the start point of the first line). In effect, the shape defines a closed area.