The Preferences Dialog

On the left side of the Preferences dialog window you can see a thematic tree where you can select the context of the settings you want to change. In the following example a screen shot is shown where the settings for the user interface behavior can be edited.

UI Behavior

This preferences page contains general user interface behavior and memory management settings.

UI Appearance

Module Repository

Product Settings

Geo-location Display

VISAT uses an image coordinate system whose origin (x=0, y=0) is the upper left corner of the upper left pixel. Image X-coordinates increase to the right, Y-values increase downwards. The center of the pixel in the origin is then located at (x=0.5, y=0.5).

Data Input/Output

Layer Properties ->

Image Layer

No-data overlay

This preferences page provides options to customize VISAT's no-data overlay.

Graticule Overlay

This preferences page provides options to customize VISAT's graticule overlay.

Mask Overlay

This preferences page provides options to customize VISAT's mask overlay.

RGB Profiles

This preference page is used to edit the RGB profiles used for RGB image creation from various product types. An RGB-Profile defines the band maths expressions to be used for the red, green and blue components of an RGB image. For detailed information about RGB-Profiles please refer to the chapter RGB-Image Profile located at Visat/Tools/Imaging Tools

Profile Lets you Select on of the actual stored RGB-Profiles to use for creation of the new image view. RGB Channels

Use the Opens the Band Maths Expression Editor to to edit the expression for the specific channel by using the expression editor.

Note: The expressions are not validated by VISAT, keep care of using the correct syntax.
Please refer to the Band Maths Expression Editor documentation for the syntax and capablities of expressions.


This preferences page provides options to customize VISAT's logging behavior.