OverviewThe project CHRIS/Proba Toolbox for BEAM (CHRIS-Box) has been brought into life in order to support users of data of the CHRIS sensor onboard of the ESA Proba platform. BEAM and the CHRIS-Box are user tools which ESA/ESRIN are providing free of charge to the Earth Observation Community. The CHRIS-Box software provides extensions for BEAM, which allow accomplishing the following tasks:
The CHRIS-Box algorithms & software have been developed by
under ESA contract initiated and coordinated by Peter Regner (ESRIN). CHRIS/Proba Noise ReductionThe Noise Reduction Tool is used to correct and remove the coherent noises, known as drop-outs and vertical striping, usually found in hyperspectral images acquired by push-broom sensors such as CHRIS. IntroductionHyperspectral images acquired by remote sensing instruments are generally affected by two kinds of noise. The first one can be defined as standard random noise, which varies with time and determines the minimum image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In addition, hyperspectral images can present non-periodic partially deterministic disturbance patterns, which come from the image formation process and are characterized by a high degree of spatial and spectral coherence. The objective of the Noise Reduction Tool is to correct or reduce these noise signals before any further processing.
Noise Reduction AlgorithmThe algorithm implemented by the Noise Reduction Tool is described in detail by Gómez-Chova et al. (2008). In brief, the following steps are carried out: Drop-out CorrectionIn CHRIS images, drop-outs can be seen as missing pixels with anomalous values (usually zero or negative values). These invalid values are detected and replaced by a weighted average of the values of the neighboring pixels. In order to avoid the poor performance of spatial filters (local average) in border or inhomogeneous areas, the contribution of each pixel of a given neighborhood of size 3x3, is weighted by its similarity to the corrected pixel. In particular, this similarity weight is the inverse of the Euclidean distance between the spectral signature of the pixels, which is calculated locally using the spectral bands closer to the band presenting the drop-out. It is worth noting that the values of bands with errors are not considered during this process. Vertical Striping CorrectionThe objective of vertical striping correction methods is to estimate the correction factors of each spectral band to correct all the lines of this band. The main assumption consists in considering that both slit and CCD contributions change from one pixel to another (high spatial frequency) in the across-track direction but are constant in the along-track direction, i.e. during the image formation; while surface contribution presents smoother profiles (lower spatial frequencies) in the across-track dimension. Several algorithms already exist to reduce vertical striping, but most of them assume that the imaged surface does not contain structures with spatial frequencies of the same order than noise, which is not always the case. The proposed method introduces a way to exclude the contribution of the spatial high frequencies of the surface from the process of noise removal that is based on the information contained in the spectral domain. Summary of the Complete Processing ChainThe optimal sequence of algorithms to be applied in order to correct a given image is the following:
L. Gómez-Chova, L. Alonso, L. Guanter, G. Camps-Valls, J. Calpe, and J. Moreno, "Correction of systematic spatial noise in push-broom hyperspectral sensors: application to CHRIS/Proba images," Appl. Opt. 47, F46-F60 (2008) CHRIS/Proba Cloud ScreeningThe Cloud Screening Tools is used to mask cloudy pixels in CHRIS images. The cloud masking algorithm described below helps the user to find cloudy regions in the image and provides cloud probability and abundances for each pixel instead of a single flag. Cloud Screening AlgorithmThe cloud screening algorithm consists of the following steps:
The final cloud product is obtained combining the cloud probability and the cloud fraction by means of a pixel-by-pixel multiplication. That is, combining two complementary sources of information processed by independent methods: the cloud probability (obtained from the extracted features), which is close to one in cloud-like pixels and close to zero in remaining areas; and the cloud abundance or mixing (obtained from the spectra). CHRIS/Proba Atmospheric CorrectionText & images created by Luis Guanter, Univercity of Valencia. IntroductionThe atmospheric correction, i.e. the conversion from top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance to reflectance images, is one of the most important steps in the pre-processing of remote sensing data. The CHRIS Atmospheric Correction Tool converts from TOA radiance to surface reflectance images in an automated manner by means of a modular approach which involves the characterization of atmospheric and instrumental parameters.
AlgorithmOverviewThe algorithm implemented in the Atmospheric Correction Tool is described in detail in Guanter et al. (2005a,b). In the most general processing, the following steps are carried out:
The different steps to be performed along the atmospheric correction process depend on the CHRIS acquisition mode. In particular, CWV is only derived for CHRIS acquisition modes 1, 3 and 5, as no sufficient sampling of water vapor absorption features is provided by modes 2 and 4. On the other hand, spectral calibration and an optional spectral polishing are only performed on modes 1 and 5, which are the ones providing the necessary high spectral resolution around sharp spectral features. The different processing modules composing the CHRIS Atmospheric Correction Tool assume clear-sky conditions. Cloudy pixels are screened out from the processing using the cloud mask provided by the cloud screening module and the Cloud product threshold to be selected by the user as a processing parameter. This indicates the limit value of the probabilistic cloud mask discriminating cloudy and clear pixels. This threshold is not necessary if only a binary cloud mask was generated by the cloud screening module (no unmixing applied). The MODerate resolution TRANsmittance (MODTRAN4) atmospheric radiative transfer code (Berk et al., 2003) was used for the generation of a Look-Up Table (LUT) which provides the atmospheric parameters used by the different modules from multidimensional linear interpolation. MODTRAN4 has been selected for its good parameterisation of both scattering and absorption atmospheric processes, as interposed by an algorithm dealing with simultaneous aerosol and water vapor retrieval. The LUT depends on 6 free input parameters: view zenith angle, solar zenith angle, relative azimuth angle, surface elevation, aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm (AOT550) and CWV. The atmospheric vertical profile is given by the default midlatitude summer atmosphere, the aerosol type is fixed to the continental model, and the ozone concentration is fixed to 7.08 g·m−2. The LUT was generated using the New Kurucz extraterrestrial solar irradiance data base in MODTRAN4.
Update of spectral characterisationThe first step in the Atmospheric Correction Tool for modes 1 and 5 is the evaluation of potential problems in the instrument spectral calibration. The lower spectral resolution and sampling of the acquisition modes 2, 3 and 4 leads to the smaller sensitivity to spectral calibration errors in these modes.
AOT retrievalDifferent AOT retrieval methods are applied to land and water modes. For the retrieval of AOT over land targets, the technique already described in Guanter et al. (2005) is applied. The total aerosol loading is parameterised by the AOT at 550 nm. No attempt to derive information on the aerosol model is made, but it is assumed that the aerosol optical properties are sufficiently described by the rural aerosol model implemented in MODTRAN4. It is also assumed that the AOT is constant all over the imaged area. After cloud screening, the lowest radiance value in each spectral band within the image is found. The resulting spectrum is employed as a reference dark target. It provides the highest limit for the aerosol content: an iterative procedure looks for the AOT550 value leading to the atmospheric path radiance which is closest to the radiance in the dark spectrum, not allowing path radiance to be higher than the dark spectrum in any of the visible bands (from 410 to 680 nm). The next step is refining that initial AOT550 estimation with a more sophisticated method involving the inversion of TOA radiances in combinations of green vegetation and bare soil pixels. This is performed only over those pixels which are classified as land pixels. AOT550 is then retrieved from 5 pixels with high spectral contrast inside this window, by means of a multiparameter inversion of the TOA spectral radiances in those pixels. Please, note that only the top threshold of AOT550 is calculated by the current version of the aerosol retrieval module for CHRIS modes 1, 3, 4 and 5. The calculated top AOT value is labeled as 'Maximum AOT550' in the MPH file. An improved version of the aerosol retrieval algorithm over land including the inversion of vegetation and soil pixels will be available in future releases of the software. In the case of inland water pixels, the particular performance of CHRIS in the mode 2 configuration (optimised for the observation of water bodies) causes that a different AOT retrieval approach must be considered. The use of land pixels is avoided for mode 2 data, due to the saturation usually found for surface albedos higher than 20-25%. The procedure described above for the land modes to set the maximum AOT value is used to calculate the final AOT value in mode 2. The AOT550 leading to the path radiance spectrum equal to or lower than the TOA radiance from the darkest pixels in the in the 435-690 nm range is selected. The first band, centered in 410 nm, is avoided because of the high noise levels detected. The final AOT550 is expected to be closer to the real value in the case of dark water bodies, from which most of the TOA signal is due to atmospheric scattering.
CWV retrievalWater vapor retrieval is based on a band-fitting approach making use of the water vapor absorption centred at 940 nm. Surface reflectance outside and inside the left wing of that absorption feature is assumed to be linear with wavelength for the band-fitting inversion. A real band-fitting technique is only applied to modes 1 and 5, which are the ones providing a complete sampling of the 940 nm water vapor absorption feature. In the case of the mode 3, only two bands, centered about 900 and 910 nm, are affected by that absorption. However, the inversion of these two bands following the procedure described before has shown to be sufficient for the accurate water vapor retrieval.
Surface reflectance retrievalReflectance images are derived from TOA radiance after AOT and CWV retrieval. AOT and pixel-wise CWV are used as inputs to the MODTRAN4 LUT for the calculation of the atmospheric parameters to be used for the radiance-to-reflectance inversion.
Spectral polishingSystematic errors in the form of spikes and dips may appear in the surface reflectance product. Out of absorption regions these errors are mostly due to problems in the instrument gain coefficients (radiometric calibration), but inside atmospheric absorptions they can also be associated to inaccurate radiative transfer simulations. The fact that they are systematic allows the correlation with an error-free reference reflectance for the correction.
A method for the surface reflectance retrieval from PROBA/CHRIS data over land: application to ESA SPARC campaigns L. Guanter, L. Alonso, J. Moreno, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43, 2908-2917, 2005a. CHRIS/Proba Geometric CorrectionIntroductionCHRIS/Proba is a system designed for multi-angular image acquisition of a given target, with the capability along-track and across-track pointing increasing its overpass frequency. In order to in-crease the radiometric signal the platform performs a slow-down manoeuvre consisting in rotating while scanning to keep the target for a longer time under the sensor. Besides, the scan direction is reversed during the acquisition of the second and fourth images to reduce the acceleration needed for the operation. These characteristics introduce strong perspective distortions, especially for the first and last images with larger observation zenith angles. SolutionThe proposed approach for the geometric correction of CHRIS/PROBA is based on the parametric modelling of the acquisition process. It makes use of the satellite's position, velocity and pointing at the moment of line acquisition, projecting the line of sight onto the Earth surface to calculate the geographical coordinate of each pixel. The coordinates map can then be used for the rectification of the images, or optionally be saved to an Input Geometry (IGM) file for latter use.
The overlap of the five images is not too high, around 65% (estimate) due to de-pointing, but even with perfect pointing, larger observation angles provide different spatial coverage due to perspective. Therefore the co-registration of the five images is only possible in a portion of each reducing the accuracy in the excluded areas. This makes necessary a high-resolution reference image for GCP selection.
The use of IGMs might be advantageous for reducing storage space as well as for those processing algorithms that might be computationally intensive but do not required rectified images, as the number of pixels to be processed is greatly reduced. They provide geographic location of each pixel; therefore algorithms based on coordinates can still be applied (if they accept the geographical information in this form). "Quasi-automatic Geometric Correction and Related Geometric Issues in the Exploitation of CHRIS/Proba Data", L. Alonso and J. Moreno, Proceedings of the Second CHRIS/Proba Workshop, 28-30 April 2004, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy Description of the Acquisition ProcedureText & images created by Luis Alonso, Univercity of Valencia. The acquistion process has been described in detail in a Technical Note provided by ESA:
The spacecraft is oriented such the instrument line-of-sight is pointing towards the target at all time. This definition leaves one degree of freedom open; the rotation around the Line-of-sight (LOS). PROBA has adopted a convention to fully define the rotation matrix from the orbital frame (roll-pitch-yaw) to the frame defining the attitude of the spacecraft while imaging. Instead of a general sequence of three rotations, only two are used. The scanning motion is super-imposed to the above manoeuver by targeting a moving point on the earth instead of targeting always the centre of the image. This point is moving over the area to image in a plane parallel to the orbital plane, effectively rotating back and forth around the orbital axis, "buried" in the earth. In order to keep the same scanning direction for all 5 images, the rotation axis is also frozen shortly (c.f freeze time above) before the beginning of the acquisition and maintained throughout. This compromise keeps the direction of scan. CHRIS/Proba TOA Reflectance AlgorithmCHRIS products are provided in top of the atmosphere (TOA)
radiance (radiometrically calibrated data). where L(x, y, λi) is the provided at-sensor upward radiance at the image location (x, y), I(λi) is the extraterrestrial instantaneous solar irradiance, and θ(x, y) is the angle between the illumination direction and the vector perpendicular to the surface. In the proposed algorithm, θ(x, y) is approximated by the Solar Zenith Angle provided in the CHRIS attributes since one can assume flat landscape and constant illumination angle for the area observed in a CHRIS image. Finally, the Sun irradiance, I(λ,) is taken from Thuillier et al. (2003), corrected for the acquisition day, and convolved with the CHRIS spectral channels. Thuillier, G., Hersé, M., Labs, D., Foujols,
T., Peetermans, W., Gillotay, D., Simon, P. C., and Mandel, H. (2003).
The extraterrestrial solar irradiance I(λ) given in Thuillier et al. (2003) is provided from 200 to 2400 nm in mW/m2/nm. It shall be corrected for the Julian day of year (DOY), J, according to the following approximate formulae: where the day of year can be easily obtained from the Image Date metadata of the CHRIS file. Since the reference extraterrestrial solar irradiance presents a different spectral sampling, it is resampled to the CHRIS spectral channels. A specific CHRIS band, i, consists of the addition of one or more CCD detector pixel elements depending on the band width. Therefore, the spectral response of a CHRIS band, Si(λ,) is the sum of the the spectral response S(λ) of the corresponding detectors of the CCD array. Then, the mean solar irradiance for a given band, I(λi), is obtained by integrating the extraterrestrial solar irradiance by its spectral response: The theoretical half-width of the instrument line-spread functions correspond to spectral resolutions of 1.25 nm at 415 nm, increasing to 11.25 nm at 1050 nm. One could assume a Gaussian response function, S(λ), for each element using its full-width half-maximum (FWHM), and sum up all the elements of the band. However, in the header of the CHRIS files, although the CCD row number for lower and upper wavelengths of each band is provided, the FWHM of each CCD element is not. Therefore, for the shake of simplicity, the spectral response of a CHRIS band, Si(λ), is defined as a bell-shaped function depending on the mid-wavelength, λi, and the band width, Δλi, of the band, directly: where both the mid-wavelength and the band width values for each channel are included in the CHRIS file. CHRIS/Proba Extract FeaturesThe Extract Features Tool is used to extract surface and atmospheric features from CHRIS images. Before you can perform the Feature Extraction on the CHRIS product, you have to apply the TOA Reflectance Computation first. Extract Features AlgorithmThe measured spectral signature depends on the illumination, the atmosphere, and the surface. The figure below shows CHRIS Mode 1 band locations compared with the spectral curve of healthy vegetation, bare soil, and the atmospheric transmittance. The spectral bands free from atmospheric absorptions contain information about the surface reflectance, while others are mainly affected by the atmosphere. |
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