The term “pixel identification” refers to a classification of a measurement made by a space borne radiometer. Before processing land or water pixels, or exempting them from further processing, it is necessary to sort them into the surface types: cloud, clear sky land, and clear sky water. Depending on the downstream processing steps some additional properties like cloud or mountain shadow, snow cover or aerosol contamination are needed.
IdePix is a multi-sensor pixel identification tool available as a SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) plugin. It provides pixel identification algorithms for a wide variety of sensors like Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, MERIS, Landsat-8, MODIS, VIIRS, Proba-V or SPOT VGT, just to mention a few. It is therefore a one-stop pixel identification tool if you are working with multiple sensors. As a SNAP plugin, it can be used in combination with other algorithms available from S2 & S3 toolboxes, to create powerful processing chains with SNAP or GPT (Graph Processing Tool).