Cate is the Climate Analysis Toolbox of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI). It is a cloud-enabled computing environment for analysing, processing and visualising climate data, including CCI data that are accessed directly from the CCI Open Data Portal. Users can also upload their own data. Cate is offered as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and can be accessed directly on an internet browser using this link. Since it is completely open source, you can find more about Cate on GitHub.

By mashing all data into one common data model, Cate facilitates easy and quick exploitation across all dataset variables. Cate’s impressive visualisation capabilities enable the user to easily dig into the data, thus fostering an intuitive understanding of patterns and dynamics in the data. You can use Cate Jupyter Notebooks and Python libraries to create, run and save your routines, and share them with your peers.

Cate is continuously evolving, and we maintain an active dialogue with our users to improve functionality and user experience. Please visit the Cate website for further information, to ask for support or to provide feedback. You can also read the online resources.

  • Prime of the consortium
  • Technical and science lead
  • Responsible for software architecture
  • Graphical user interface developer
  • 3D visualisation with web technology

ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Toolbox (2016 – 2019)

ESA CCI Knowledge Exchange (2019 – 2022)


Science [&] Technology Facilities Council | UK Research [&] Innovation, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Telespazio UK, University of Twente, Ubilabs, Planetary Visions, University of Leicester, MUSEON, Imperative Space, European Space Agency (ESA)