"Over Antarctica Clouds" (OAC)
It was not my intention to describe all the cloud structures over Antarctica, but only to present a few examples.
In the area around Antarctica around "open cells" Structure, "Enhanced Cumulus" Structure, "Convection Cells Streets" Cloud Phenomenon, "Cloud Curls" Structure, "Dragon-Looking Cloud Structure and Orographic Clouds", sometimes also 'Karman Vortex' Cloud Structure, "Black Watch Holel" Phenomenon can be seen.
Above the continent the large and low (up to 3 km, rarely up to 4 km altitude) stratus fields are most often observed.
The huge "gaps" in the cloud cover that often start to vortex are the normal event.
The inversion layer over Antarctica is not high.
Around the highland centre of the continent, the high cirrus clouds fields can be watched.