The ESA Calvalus StudyObjective
The announcement of opportunities EO Cal/Val and User Services is a technology study of the ESA LET-SME 2009 call, investigating into an existing leading edge technology (LET) for their applicability in the EO domain. Specifically, LET-SME is a spin-in instrument encouraging the participation of SMEs to ESA technology. The LET-SME focuses on early stage development of Leading Edge Technologies, i.e. the ones likely to become the reference technologies for the near future, and have good chances of being infused into ESA projects and missions. In accordance with the study's statement of work, Calvalus is a system that has been proposed to fully support the idea of LET-SME, thus with a strong focus on a selected LET which is described in this report. Approach
Calvalus gains its performance from massive parallelisation of tasks and the data-local execution of code. Usual processing clusters or grids first copy input data from storage nodes to compute nodes, thereby introducing I/O overheads and network transfer bottlenecks. In Calvalus, processing code is executed on cluster nodes where the input data are stored. Executable code can be easily deployed; the code distribution and installation on all cluster nodes is done automatically. Multiple versions of processing code can be used in parallel. All these properties of the Calvalus system allow users to efficiently perform cal/val and EO data processing functions on whole mission datasets, thus allowing an agile EO data product development and fast improvement cycles. The different production scenarios and analyses implemented in Calvalus are inspired by the needs of the current ESA projects, such as CoastColour and Climate Change Initiative (CCI) for Land Cover and Ocean Colour, both of strong interest to an international user community. The implementation is focused on the Ocean Colour data processing and validation:
The Level-2 products in production scenarios 2 to 3 are generated on-the-fly from Level-1b using selected Level-2 processors and their required versions, processing parameters and LUTs. The Calvalus demonstration system currently holds the full mission Envisat MERIS Level-1b RR data as well as all MERIS Level-1b FR product subsets required by the CoastColour project. Calvalus provides an easily operated web interface that allows users to order and monitor productions according the to four production scenarios, and to finally download the results. It also offers a Java production API, allowing developers to write new production scenarios. ProjectThe Calvalus study has been performed in the time from September 2009 to October 2011. The Calvalus system is now being actively further developed. The Calvalus team is
InformationMore information about the study and its results can be found in the Final Report. Other public documents you might be interested in are the Baseline Requirements and the Acceptance Test Plan. The Technical Specification is available for registered users only.
Calvalus version 2.19-SNAPSHOT (built 10-06-2020), © 2017 Brockmann Consult GmbH - Impressum |